Since the Scottish Government published guidance for the hospitality and self-catering industry the managers and Trustees have been reviewing how this impacts Faskally House and the work of Faskally Christian Trust.
As we reviewed the logistics of keeping to Government guidance to reduce the risks of transmission, it became very apparent our Managers would find day to day operations extremely difficult.
It would also mean significantly reducing the numbers allowed to use the facility. In addition, the present guidance is unclear for facilities like Faskally, which combine residential accommodation and the opportunity for churches and groups to have meetings in the building.
Taking all of the above into consideration the Trustees and Managers have taken the very difficult decision to keep Faskally closed until the of beginning of next year (Feb 2021). We will review our position in light of any changing Government guidance.
In addition, we also felt the need to consider the wider community around Faskally. We would not wish, in any way to be the cause of any spike in the virus, which has claimed so many lives already across the country.
We make these decisions in the knowledge that Faskally Christian Trust is a work of faith. Our God, who is faithful, has provided for the Trust in remarkable ways since it was formed. We have no cause to doubt His faithfulness.
We would ask our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for the work of Faskally at this time.
An uplifting experience -
During our winter shutdown we intend to make some improvements to the House for the start of 2017. Over the years we have been given funds from those who have a heart for the work of Faskally, to provide a lift for the House. The work will go on over January and into February with the lift installation. Over the years the Lord has provided funds through his people where work is needed. The Games Hall is a good example of this. The installation of the lift is another. The lift will make such a difference to those who find the stairs a bit of a challenge. We will provide some pictures along the way. Today’s picture is a reminder of what the area looked like before the installation begins.
With a facility like Faskally there are always repairs and work needed to ensure the House and the grounds are kept up to the standard expected. It became apparent as we ended 2016 that essential work will be needed to repair one of the walls in the games hall. Work is on-going to assess the extent of the repair and it will mean the Games Hall is out of commission until it is completed. We will keep you updated with progress. The undernoted picture details the wall which will need repaired.